E-Government Applications in Education: KurumNet

Osman Cekic, Meltem Kuscu


To keep up with the developing and changing world, to meet the needs of the society, to have an efficient management and to construct an information network, governments strongly need technology and science and therefore a new system has been put into practice, which is called “e-governmentâ€. E-okul, Mebbis, Tefbis, KBS and KurumNet are the main elements which form the education field of this system. Besides, all these elements have detailed extra applications.

The purpose of this study is to measure the incomes of KurumNet, which is a private enterprise, from the point of view of school principals, need to examine its efficiency and incomes compared to its cost. In this study, 34 applicants have been interviewed and the results are examined in content analysis method. Results Show that, KurumNet is an extremely useful application since it provides a rapid communication and an easy document share. Considering its annual costs and update casts, most of the applicants think that using this application is quite profitable as it allows them to save effort, time and to reduce stationery costs. However, some applicants emphasize that instead of private enterprise, Ministry of National Education itself must meet this need using its own sources.


E-Government, E-Communication, E-Sign, Network, Internet and Intranet

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